I had fun at this school Owairaka it was fun going to the pools just for the year 6 but im going to miss the teachers and the little kids.
Theatre show.
Today(The 8th of December)me and my class went to a theatre show about our school and it was scary how there were worms and a kind that had snakes on his head.There was a part where it had a storm part and i jumped when i was sitting down but it was fun and there was this funny part how there was news and this girl was mocking the lady that was doing the news and saying i am taller then you and that was a funny part 😂. THE END
Novel Ponder 8<
 Yes it is possible for a human to understand animals. What do you think?
What team do you think you will be in?
I will be in the best team because it can get me somewhere very nice and i can be in the top team.What team do you think.
Cultural Festival 2022.
As the sun was shining in my eyes so i tried to open my eyes wild open and i was trying to sing loud but there was a lot of people.
Novel Ponder 5
I think Ruby should stay in the zoo because she will be safe in the zoo and he can be feed well.What do you think.
Would you rather have your own robot or a jet pack?
I would rather have a robot then a jet pack because when you are in the air the jet pack needs battery’s to fly and when your up in the sky the jet pack runs out of battery’s but if you go with the robot then the robot can do anything you want and it will be on the ground and when it runs out of power then you just charge it.
Where is you favourite place in the world?
The place that is my favourite place to go is JUMP because we had a birthday over there and it was so fun because we had heaps of cake and then i got sick.
would you rather have the ability to fly or have the ability to read minds?
would you rather have the ability to fly or have the ability to read minds?Explain why.
Novel Ponder 4
- Ruby was taken from her family by humans to be a pet.
- Do you think it’s okay to take animals from their natural habitat to be a pet?I think that was the wrong thing to do because he needs a family.
- when is it OK to take an animal from the wild? it;s OK to take the animals when it is in pain.
What do you think?